MSA partners have been working at the highest management level for many years and developing cultural systems.
As part of the ongoing transformation of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, MSA partner Oleksandr Savruk began developing a strategy together with the Ministry's team, including the Minister, Deputy Ministers, Head of the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory, Head of the State Agency for Arts, Head of the State Service of Ukraine for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience, Head of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, Director General of the B. and V. Khanenko National Museum of Art, Head of the State Agency for Development of Ukraine's Cultural Heritage, and Head of the State Agency for Development of Ukraine.
During the strategic sessions in 2020, the team shaped the content of Ukraine's cultural vision. It defined the new role of the Ministry as an architect of the cultural system, the principles of designing the overall cultural system with relevant subsystems.
In 2021, MSA supported the strategic team in developing and implementing the strategy by critical subsystems and players.